Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Windows 8 RT to be investigated by EU for lack of other browser options

Microsoft can't get a break with the EU, as once again the software giant will be under the antitrust radar. After the glitch in Windows 7 SP1 causing the browser ballot to go missing, now the EU will investigate browser options for Windows RT tablets.

According to Reuters, the investigation will revolve around whether Microsoft is offering access to APIs required by other browsers to operate and will also "focus on charges that Microsoft allows only its own Internet Explorer browser to be installed on devices running Windows 8 on Windows RT tablets with British chipmaker ARM's chips."

The investigation was raised after concerns were expressed to the EU by unnamed parties over the way Microsoft is proceeding with Windows 8. If Microsoft is forced to offer the ability to install alternative browsers on the Surface RT, it would only seem fair that the EU go after Apple as well for limiting the functionality of other browers on iOS. While you can download other browsers on iOS, you can't make them your default browser application.


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