Thursday, July 19, 2012

Launch dates rumored for Windows Phone 8 and Office 2013

Microsoft officially announced earlier this week that Windows 8 would launch on October 26th, with the OS reaching its Release to Manufacturing (RTM) status on August. But there are also a lot of other Microsoft product launches still still to be announced.

According to ZDNet, via unnamed sources, Windows Phone 8 could reach the RTM status sometime in September and the first devices that will run the OS could be available to the public in November. Also, Office 2013, which had a preview version released a few days ago, will reportedly hit its RTM stage in November and the final version will be made available to the public sometime in February 2013.

The rumors also add that Visual Studio 2012 could reach the RTM stage in August, with a general launch date of September. Microsoft Dynamics NAV could reach the RTM build in September, with a launch in October.