Thursday, November 1, 2012

AMP-Foot 2.0 leg prosthesis. A step forward for people with leg disorder.

 Since technology does not stop only to tablets and personal gadget stuff, Arizona State University's team announced the AMP-Foot 2.0. A leg prosthetic device that takes the role of a humal leg, for people with leg disorder.

Five years ago, prosthetics took a very literal step forward when Arizona State University's SPARKy foot, the first attempt of making better leg prosthetics, offered a more natural walk, capturing the inherent kinetic energy that previously needed a big motor to replicate. Now Its second-generation, Ankle Mimicking Prosthetic Foot (AMP-Foot 2.0) uses a pair of force sensors to determine the leg's relative position and let an actuator build energy when the foot bends, locking the power away to use only when the owner pushes off. 

Furthermore, the efficiency produces all the torque needed to let a 165-pound person walk, is done with just a 30W to 60W motor versus the previous project SPARKy's 150W, which is a big help to battery life that also reduces the AMP-Foot 2.0's weight.

 Here is some footage of the prototype:

Nobody knows for sure how is goes beyond the prototype phase but one thing is sure. Future wearers will sure have a relief and a more better life.


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