Good Old Games is working to include not only Mac games, but PC games
for Mac. The list is big enough and climbing.
GOG has 50 games now available for Mac, 28 of which are only on GOG.
Games include: Syndicate, the Ultima and Wing Commander franchises, The Witcher 2 (all out for the first time on Mac today), Machinarium, FTL, Syndicate, Sim City 2000, Dungeon Keeper, Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers and Crusader: No Remorse, and much more.
Since nothing is free to test, GOG has eight free games available for Mac users to test out in their systems, including Beneath a Steel Sky, Tyrian 2000, Ultima 4 and Warsaw.
Find the complete list of Mac games on GOG here.
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