Monday, July 23, 2012

Netflix overhauls website layout

Many users on Twitter have been reporting a new layout when visiting Netflix for the last few days. Netflix has overhauled its website's layout, creating a unified interface that its previous design had been lacking. Netflix's old layout had a separate layout for DVD browsing and Watch Instantly browsing. Is the company now unifying the interface hoping to streamline the experience for its user?

Unlike the past where the header only existed when browsing Watch Instantly sections, the new layout features a streamlined header that now exists across all pages. The new header has larger text and simplified categories ("Watch Instantly," "Just for Kids," "Your Queue," "Taste Profile" and "DVDs") that feature drop-down listings of sub-categories.

Last month the Los Angeles Times reported a similar layout was being tested with a small number of the service's users. It's unclear if the new layout is merely in testing or whether it will be rolled out to all Netflix users. The company has yet to say anything official about the matter.

Netflix's last major overhaul of its website's layout was around this time last year. That overhaul was primarily a redesign of the Watch Instantly section. Last year's redesign was met with a backlash from Netflix users, although the company stood by the then-new layout.


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